What Study Abroad Taught Me: Overcoming Barriers and Accidental Friendship

Erin Beard took her study abroad trip as a junior in high school, to Germany. It changed her life forever. This is her story: The plane’s descent into Dresden made my ears “pop” in that way that makes you wish you had not yawned at 20,000 feet. The leap over the Atlantic started out from[…]

How My First Trip to Guatemala Opened My Eyes

Two months ago, I would not have guessed that I would be approached by someone asking for an interview because they thought I was a hippie. Pre-Trip Expectations Going to Guatemala was my first trip outside of the USA, and I went with (probably unreasonably) high expectations about learning Spanish, seeing the culture, and cliff[…]

Twenty Years Later, Travel Changed My Life

Jessica Sueiro travels full time with her husband, Will & two tweens. They travel slowly, and deeply, for the purpose of education and exploration… and it all started for Jess with a trip she took to the UK in high school: Twenty-four years ago, this month, I took a trip that would forever change the[…]

50 Tiny but Powerful Ways to Learn More as You Travel

Your time traveling abroad might be short and sweet, but that doesn’t mean you have to sacrifice in-depth learning and personal growth. In fact, with the right mindset and a couple of these ideas in your back pocket, you’ll set yourself up to not only learn about the country around you, but about yourself, too.[…]

Why Travel is the Best Teacher You Can Give Your Kids

What makes a good teacher? Is it their clearly communicated objectives? Is it their organization, their clever activities/games, or their mastery of the subject matter? Is it their ability to make strong relationships with their students? While all of the above are incredibly important and positively impact a student’s ability to grasp and retain concepts[…]