Passports for Girls and Women: Highlighting April Lawson’s TAP Grant

Do you remember April Lawson? She’s the TAP Grant recipient who had the goal of using her grant money to help women of color get passports and expand their travel possibilities. Inspired by the Travel Channel, April had this to say about her TAP Grant plans: “Winning this grant money allows for me to start up[…]

H??ng Uyên Bùi: Travel Access Grant Recipient

  We are pleased and excited to announce our next TAP grant recipient!  This week we share with you a glimpse of who H??ng Uyên Bùi is in her own words.   H??ng Uyên Bùi Dear Mom, I have never made you unsatisfied, at school, I always make my best effort to become the best student[…]

Aleah Cordoba: Travel Access Grant Recipient

  It’s the final week of August and we are pleased to send it off with an introduction and congratulations to Aleah Cordoba for being chosen as a member of the first cohort of TAP grant recipients! Aleah Cordoba Recently, I discovered that when I was three years old, for uncertain reasons, my mother sent[…]

Filip Carnogursky: Travel Access Grant Recipient

  This week we are introducing Filip Carnogursky and congratulating him on his admittance into the first cohort of TAP grant recipients! Filip Carnogursky Filip Carnogursky is just a regular ginger guy from a beautiful little village in Slovakia, where, when mentioned the word ‘gap-year’ (which doesn’t even have a direct translation), an avalanche of[…]

Antony Le: Travel Access Project Grant Recipient

Over the next few weeks we are excited to congratulate and introduce the first cohort of TAP grant recipients. Antony Le Antony loves to learn. Just not in a classroom. Rather, he prefers gaining knowledge through experiences–painting murals at schools that promote encouraging and positive messages, organizing events to create care packages for the homeless,[…]

TAP Student: Travel Access Project Grant Recipient

Over the next few weeks we are excited to congratulate and introduce the first cohort of TAP grant recipients. TAP Student I am the color pink.  I am a crocheter.  Ne be Dioula ani Anglais (I am Diola and English.  I am box braids and glasses.  I am Americanah.  I am Sense8.  I am laughter.[…]

Meet The Finalists!

What it Takes We are very excited and proud to announce this year’s TAP finalists! This is an amazing group of people who are all doing wonderful things in this world. There were many qualified applicants and narrowing the finalists down to 12 was no easy task. Everyone had to go through an extensive application process[…]

Scholarships, Grants & Funding for Gap Years

Planning a Gap Year but worried about money? Are you interested in a Gap Year but want to know how to fund it? Want to get more information about scholarships and grants for Gap Years? To find out how you can fund your Gap Year, watch this show “Scholarships, Grants, & Funding for Gap Years!”[…]